
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dear, Juan Williams

Hey! What are you thinking!? Don’t you know you’re a liberal? Don’t you know that you can’t say anything that doesn’t agree with other liberals? Don’t you know that it’s bad to go on Fox and talk to Bill O’Reilly? Don’t you know that NPR doesn’t allow freedom of speech and you can’t give your opinions if it’s not PC?
Liberals do NOT say anything that isn’t PC... Well it’s not that they don’t say anything that isn’t politically correct, it’s just everyone knows liberals are open-minded and would never say anything out of line. Only conservatives do that… Those close-minded racist bigots!! You’re a liberal, which means that the only religion you can be uncomfortable with is Christianity. Even though Muslims attacked us by use of a plane and killed thousands and no Imam or Muslim official has condemned the actions on 9/11 publicly, only a foolish bigot would maintain a slight fear of flying on a plane with a Muslim (Or at least admit it out loud).
Being a liberal, even if you know you’re wrong, YOU DON’T ADMIT IT!! You especially don’t say something contrary to what the established media has deemed correct and righteous by means of their superior left intellect. Demagoguery is king. Don’t let facts common sense and truth stand in your way! You must appeal to the popular desires and prejudices rather than use rational arguments.
When someone who is conservative says something that you even might agree with, you must (I can’t tell you how important this is) YOU MUST disagree. Follow the rules the left has established for you. You must not deviate! 1) Deny deny deny! 2) Give every excuse possible. 3) Blame the Right. 4) Repeat as necessary. 5) If all else fails, attack the messenger, not the ideas. Follow the example of your fearless leader, the anointed one, Barak Obama. He’s just SO good at it… Especially rule #3. There’s no doubt he’s been following these rules since the day he was immaculated.
We all know Fox News is just a propaganda machine. This has been proven by the studies of Fox’s competition who are liberals so you know, of course, they aren’t biased and don’t have an agenda. With this in mind, why would you even talk to them Juan? What makes you think that it’s a good idea to share your opinions and have an open discussion of ideas? There’s no use in arguing over what 2+2 equals. After all, conservatives will always say 4 but liberals know better. Liberals know that it depends on their feelings and what Obama says. Everyone knows liberals are always right. Besides, even though more people get their information from Fox News than from any other source, they’re all just a bunch of redneck, ignorant, racist, bigots and they’ll never learn if they haven’t already, that they are wrong no matter what. What a bunch of buffoons! You have every right to stick your nose up at those mental infants.
The best thing about being a liberal is; as long as it’s not aimed at the left, there’s no limit to the hate that can be shot forth from your lips. Nothing is too hypocritical, too divisive, too shady, too misleading, or too dishonest. The standards are much lower. For example, if you’re a leftist feminist you are entitled to burn with indignation when a woman on the left is attacked and you are protected when you, as a feminist, attack a woman with Christian values. Remember when feminist advocate Gloria Feldt said this about Ms. California, Carrie Prejean after she voiced her opinion against gay marriage? “I think that what Ms. Prejean needs is perhaps a heart transplant rather than the breast implants.” BOOM! Well-said Ms. Feldt! Perfect case in point of the clear double standard of the left. If the roles were switched and Laura Ingram had said the same thing about Mrs. Obama or even Carrie Prejean, she would have been fired on the spot. Isn’t it wonderful how much you can get away with? Even at the pinnacle of hypocrisy, the liberal media will never report on what Gloria Feldt said.
You just can’t attack the dogma of the left Juan. Instead of talking about Muslims You should have said, “I went to the tea party rally this weekend, I saw what they were wearing, they were all Christian, they were crazy, and it scared me!” Not in a million years would you have been fired for that kind of comment. Remember, it’s only PC if the left says so… Freedom of speech schmeedom of schmech! That’s for suckers who believe in the constitution. Not liberals! No way!
Juan, you have an obligation to follow in lockstep with the liberals no matter what! Because of your honest opinion about the Muslim problem, you are a disgrace to the liberals. Honesty is frowned upon within the Left. You know that Juan! Come on man! Just stick to the program and everything will be fine! If not, you’ll see who the ignorant, racist, intolerant, bigots REALLY are! Oh crap… I guess NPR already showed you…
A racist, ignorant, intolerant, bigot who, despite attempts, will also not be silenced.

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