
Monday, May 23, 2011

What More Proof Does the Left-Wing Need?

Apparently "Left-wingers" doesn't mean everyday Left-wingers. To quell the trolls, I've decided to use only elected Left-wing officials and a Nobel Peace Prize winner in this video for good measure. Unfortunately, that's still not good enough proof for liberals. If you notice in the comment section, every negative comment from a Left-winger revolves around their opinion that I shouldn't have found these quotes in the first place, rather than just facing the truth and talking about the fact that Maher was flat out wrong. This is a typical tactic of the Left. They will push the goal post back as far as they possibly can and when that is no longer possible, they cry about you proving them wrong by saying that the tactics used aren't good debate methods.

Do I really need any more proof to show that liberals live in an illogical fantasy land? When logic is introduced, they react to it like a vampire to a crucifix... or a Liberal to a crucifix.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stupid People

To prove a point to the creator of the video this is spoofing, I made this video showing that liberals have just as many ignorant, uneducated people on their side of the isle as conservatives do. These are only the examples from protesters.. You can imagine how many other examples I could use if I chose to. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Rhetoric of Bill Maher

A number of times I have stumbled upon videos featuring Bill Maher. Each and every time, he lies to the public. Maybe he actually believes his own rhetoric. Maybe he is just blind to the fact that liberals are usually just as crazy as he claims the right-wingers are, if not more so on many occasions. I personally believe that he is a very smart man, smart enough to know the truth. Yet, he knowingly lies about it to further his political agenda and career.

This video is my response to one of the more outrageous lies I've seen. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

RE: What If V for Vendetta Was Released Under Obama Instead of Bush?

You can find the article that inspired this response here

I’ve been toying around with this idea for a couple days so I decided to see if anyone has written anything about it and what their take on it was. Although “V for Vendetta” is one of my all time favorites, I can’t say I’ve actually found any work that doesn’t run along with the original left wing propaganda that “V for Vendetta” is, and your article is no different.
You had a couple of points I wanted to address which I found to be either offensive, flat out ignorant, or both. But I feel like that will take up more time than I am willing to spend so I will limit myself to the treatment of only one main subject, the subject which seems to be the cornerstone of your article. Of course I would have to concede a few of your arguments because there has to be even a little bit of truth even in a fairy tale for the story to be heard. I agree that the Patriot Act was an egregious overreach of government and unconstitutional. Not unlike the monstrosity that is Obamacare but that’s another story. I’ll even admit that while many don’t care, conservatives don’t generally approve of homosexuality. I will also admit that although your attempt to defend conservatives in paragraph 6 was pretty weak especially after your attack in the previous paragraph, it was at least an attempt and that’s a lot more than I can say about all of the other articles I stumbled across.
Now to the reason why I decided to comment. You make quite a few bold assumptions based off of stereotypes you guys (liberals) made up. “Gone would be the depictions of clergy pedophilia and religious hypocrisy.” “he would storm the headquarters… with guns blazing, spouting one-liners instead of philosophical quips over a soundtrack of hard-rocking guitars, not a symphony orchestra…” “…citizens taking to the streets during the climax [would] have been wearing straw hats instead of masks, raising pitchforks and torches in the air as they prepared for a lynching[.]” That’s just in one paragraph. I understand that’s a joke and honestly, I see the humor in it. I bring those up because your joke is obviously not “just” a joke but an attack in order to set up your next paragraph riddled with your real feelings without the sugar coat label of a joke. In fact, you try to pass your typical liberal opinion off as a fact. “In fact, they probably would have never heard of the source material to begin with. The sad truth is that these traditionalist morons just wouldn’t have been that creative.”
I can’t say I’m surprised that you think so highly of yourself and your fellow liberals. I also can’t say I’m surprised that you fail to remember many movies and books with conservative themes and ideals in spite of the fact that Hollywood is obnoxiously liberal and rarely “OK” conservative projects. That was a pretty convenient fact to overlook. (When I say fact, I actually mean that it’s a fact. Not just a talking point I wish was a fact so that I can feel better about my belief systems)
Let me refresh your memory of such movies.
-“Forrest Gump” which beat out “Pulp Fiction”, a movie far more expressive of the Hollywood (liberal) world view, for the Oscar.
-“300” was a movie released in 2007 during the Bush administration which was hated mainly for the war. Hollywood loved to neglect and demonize the heroism of the American Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Needless to say the themes of the movie such as honor, unflinching courage, and the truth that freedom isn’t free are very conservative.
-“The Pursuit of Happyness” was a movie of the life of self-made millionaire Chris Gardener. This movie goes against the liberal diatribes of the financial world and Wall Street. It promotes the idea that a good father is critical which liberals can’t handle. It even goes as deep as to show that if you work hard and don’t succumb to self-pity, unlike what liberals try to make everyone believe, “the man” will not keep a black man “down.”
-“Juno” is probably one of the best pro-life movies to date. In this age where liberals are trying to make it ok for women to “choose” to take the life in her womb through abortion, which does nothing but encourage irresponsibility, and where boys aimlessly try to become men through sexual promiscuity, this movie is a humorous breath of fresh air.
-“The Lord of the Rings” was authored by J.R.R. Tolkien. He was a deeply conservative man. It is no surprise that the movies based of his masterwork, which were some of the greatest and highest grossing films of all time, were conservative as well.
-“The Dark Knight”, speaking of great and highest grossing films, is a depiction of a reviled hero who fights a terrorist, the Joker. He has to devise a new method of surveillance, push the limits of the law, and accept the hatred of the press. Not to mention the fact that Bruce is a huge capitalist playboy.
-“Team America: World Police” created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the minds behind “South Park”, shows their total disgust with the air-headed, left-wing celebrity activism among other things. I would dare to say this satire goes unmatched.
I could go on and on with movies that promote the family like “The Incredibles” and “The Family Man.” Or movies similar to “300” in their honorable portrayal of soldiers and the military such as “Master and Commander”, “We Were Soldiers”, “The Patriot”, and “Braveheart.” How about other movies based on best selling books like “The Chronicles of Narnia”…. I’m only getting warmed up.
In essence, I wanted comment to point out your condescension and ignorance. I feel that if you can’t see that at this point, you should probably hop down from your ivory tower and gain a bit of perspective. You seem to forget that the people who promote movies and produce them are snug in the liberal pocket. Of course you aren’t going to see as many reviews that cover the political nature of conservative films. All you are going to see is the blazing guns set to rock music with country bumpkins in the background with their straw hats and pitch forks.

UPDATE: The author erased my comment. I thought I might not have done it right so I reposted it and it was erased again. To which my third response was:

"Really? You're gonna delete my comment twice? haha that's ironic. Right after you tell someone that they have lost the logic game and that they have poorly constructed ideas and that they make shit up.. Now that somebody calls you out on exactly that and try to keep you from dwindling in your own numbers as you so elegantly put it, you run away. Typical. You don't want people to comment on what you "ACTUALLY wrote" you want more opportunities to spread your own brand of propaganda unchallenged because you know what you have can't stand up to reality. That must scare you because nobody likes to be wrong. Take a good look at yourself, you know what I'm saying is true."

Needless to say, that too was deleted. Gotta love it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exploitation, Hypocrisy, and Irresponsibility: The Second

NOTE: This is a school paper I just turned in for my writing class. So if you find the format a little strange, that's why ; )

I have to be completely honest. My friends and I never really talk about controversial issues. If we do, it’s because we agree on the topic. However, this isn’t to say that I don’t have hot topic discussions. On the contrary, this is practically a daily routine for me.  We’ll just say I know of a place full of ignorance and boy, do I have fun with them.
The most recent interaction I’ve had the pleasure to be involved in is the Arizona shooting/civility in politics/metaphor ban. We’ve got group A who are adamant that the shooting is all the fault of the rightwing media and Sarah Palin. Then there are the people in group B who say we should all just get along and that there shouldn’t be any political banter on either side. Finally, we have group C. Group C is just showing up to the scene saying that metaphors should be banned because the imagery is what caused Loughner, the shooter, to snap.

Personally I think Loughner was just a lunatic and placing blame on any political party, agenda, and so forth is as ridiculous as saying rock music inspired the Columbine incident.

While group A jumped on the “blame the conservatives” bandwagon before the victims even got to the hospital, I wanted to wait until some information a bit more substantial than the fact that the congresswoman that got shot had a “D” in front of her name surfaced. I have to admit, my heart sank when I found out she was a Democrat because I knew the repercussions that would soon follow… true to liberal form, they didn’t disappoint.

What the liberal media, liberal bloggers, and even the liberal sheriff, failed to take into consideration before proclaiming their condemnation from atop their ivory towers, is evidence. You can imagine my shock when I heard Sheriff Dupnik, A man of law in a land of innocent before proven guilty, admit he had no proof to substantiate his accusations against conservative talk radio and Sarah Palin. Nevertheless, the damage was done.

Still, the truth usually comes out and more and more information started coming through. Come to find out the shooter, Loughner, was described by his friends since high school as “left wing,” “a political radical,” “quite liberal,” and “a pot head.” With this in mind, If any fingers are to be pointed, they should be in the direction of Bill Maher. Did I, or do I need to mention his reading material? It’s not that big of a deal, just some light reading like “The Communist Manifesto” and Hitler's “Mein Kampf.”

Considering group B’s rantings, I can’t say I’m opposed to civility in politics. After all, many great institutions forbid the topic of politics to be discussed in order to promote companionship due to the nature of the discussion. However, people need to realize politics have never been civil. In fact, I would say we’ve come a long way since political arguments were settled with duels to the death.

A healthy debate and open discussion of politics is essential and what has made this country great. The problem here is, group B loves to play the role of ‘holier than thou’ and claim that all though the conservatives are the bad guys, we should all just stop. To which I must point out their total hypocrisy. Ann Coulter, I know I know, said it best when she said, “President ‘whose asses to kick’ Obama predicted ‘hand-to-hand combat’ with his political opponents and has made such remarks as ‘if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun’ -- making Obama the first American president to advocate gun fights since Andrew Jackson.”
Which leads me to my next group. Group C should take note and realize that Obama has been king of metaphors since his immaculation. MSNBC’s Chris Mathews has begun to desperately cling to this last resort after the burden of proof and evidence has been weighing on his shoulders making him look more and more like a fool for his premature judgments on air. After restating Palin’s statement, “We’re not retreating, we’re reloading,” Chris said, no I’m not making this up, “THAT’S not a metaphor.” Really buddy? Who did she shoot?

I can’t believe this is even a discussion right now. Do I really need to give a reason why banning metaphors is ridiculous? If a lunatic is going to take a picture of crosshairs on Sarah Palin’s website (keeping in mind the same imagery has been featured on many Liberal websites) literally, they would have done it anyways and blamed it on their bowl of Rice Crispies that morning.

Guns don’t kill people, video games don’t make people violent, spoons didn’t make Rosie O’Donnell fat, and (insert any other cliché here).  Exploiting a tragedy for political gain is beyond the pail and this is getting to be ludicrous. The solution isn’t to hold hands and sing “Kum Ba Yah” or further the “wussification” of America by becoming more politically correct by getting rid of metaphors. It’s time for liberals to grow up and stop pointing fingers at anything and anybody besides the shooter. Remember, these are the people who were adamant about not passing judgment on the Muslim community for terrorist acts but now they’re more than happy to throw conservatives under the bus and feel justified in doing so…

When I say “throw conservatives under the bus,” I don’t mean they actually are tossing conservatives under a large vehicle. That’s a metaphor, Chris.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Exploitation, Hypocrisy, and Irresponsibility

“I solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Arizona, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of a peace officer to the best of my ability, so help me God.”

Pima County’s Sheriff Clarence Dupnik took this oath. Although this was decades ago, if he chooses to remain in office, he chooses to continue to maintain his oath. In light of recent events, it seems as though he has all but forgotten this. More specifically, he has forgotten the very last phrase, “I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of a peace officer to the best of my ability, so help me God.”

Last Saturday, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, 13 were wounded, and 6 died including a 9 year old girl.  The man behind the shooting was Jared Loughner. The following Monday, Dupnik had a few choice words to say about the incident on ABC News to anchor Diane Sawyer: “The kind of rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment he is irresponsible, uses partial information, sometimes wrong information…attacks people, angers them against government, angers them against elected officials and that kind of behavior in my opinion is not without consequences." Talk like this went on and on blaming every well-known conservative for the actions of this Loughner lunatic.

After being asked if Dupnik had any evidence supporting these accusations which basically point the finger and make Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, the Tea Party, and Rush Limbaugh accessories to the shooting, he finally admitted that he had none. Those are some serious accusations for a man in his office to be throwing around. And for what? Political gain?

This man, of all people, should be the last person pointing fingers without evidence, which in turn potentially creates bias for or against a criminal and assigns blame where blame is unwarranted.  Engaging in speculation and overreaching damages the case he should be focusing on as well as his credibility as one who has the duty to be fair and unbiased in this type of situation.  His own flow of irresponsible rhetoric is not only inappropriate, it’s irrelevant.

Of course we need civility in politics and at times it can get out of hand. But this is the way it has always been. In fact, we have come a long way since the time when heated political arguments were resolved with a duel. BUT WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE SHOOTING SHERIFF? It has been shown that not only was this guy apolitical, he is a pothead, paranoid schizophrenic who reads a number a number of books such as Hitler’s Mein Kampf , worships skulls, and has been obsessed with Mrs. Giffords since before the Tea Party and even before Palin was a known figure.

There is NO evidence supporting Dupnik’s outrageous claims that talk radio or any other conservative influenced his actions. If anything, judging by his belief systems, he is more in line with liberal ideology.  At this point, I’m only getting into speculation so lets move on.

According to the New York Post if you want the real explanation as to why the Sheriff of Pima County is telling every news outlet who asks that Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and all right-wing conservatives are behind Jared Loughner's shooting spree just read the account of the young killer's rap sheet. Jared Loughner has at least 12 run-ins with law enforcement for all sorts of minor violations and offenses since high school.

This tragedy couldn't have been prevented when a person who has never been violent suddenly snaps and goes on a psychotic rampage. But it is a sign of weak character that Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has decided to run away from the crime by blaming anyone but the shooter himself. It may serve Dupnik's politics to blame the right but it certainly doesn't serve justice or the people he is sworn to protect.

My prayers go out to the families and friends of Federal Judge John Roll, Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and all those involved in the senseless shooting at her event.  There is no place in our society for violent attacks of any kind, especially against those who selflessly choose to serve in public office.

What this whole ordeal has become disgusts me. As if the liberals couldn’t get much lower, something like this happens. People are finally waking up and opening their eyes and seeing the democrats for what they really are. This has been obvious and has been made clear by the historic votes in November. I think fools like Dupnik see this and in their desperation, they use a tragedy to pull an irrelevant correlation out of their backsides in the attempt to demonize and criminalize conservative thought.

As if they even care about how heated the rhetoric has become. Their own words have stirred up more hatred and vicious vitriol than any conservative talk show host or government official has ever been able to create. Look at the number of threats Glen Beck is under at any given point. (“15” was Beck’s own estimation). Look at the overwhelming amount of death threats and wishes aimed at Sarah Palin because of Dupnik’s thoughtless remarks. Speaking of conservative women, no group of conservatives is hated more, besides possibly black conservatives, than they are. It’s sickening at times. Trust me, liberals don’t care one bit about being civil.

The double standard of the left is despicable and intolerable.  While the entertainment industry makes billions selling violent movies, lyrics, and video games, liberals consistently argue that these expressions are not to blame for any crimes or self-destructive behavior.  "Leave these 'artists' alone," they cry.  However, because they think they can further their political agenda, they enthusiastically claim that an act by one deranged individual was caused by the "tone" of conservative rhetoric heard in the media.  No reasonable person would conclude that free speech should be illegal because some deranged person might be incited to violence.

Now I know not all left leaning pundits have the same skewed opinion about the shooting as Dupnik and most of the mainstream media such as MSNBC’s Chris Mathews. Jon Stewart, a comedian with a political show on comedy central even has enough sense to say, “We live in a complex ecosystem of influences and motivations and I wouldn’t blame our political rhetoric any more than I would blame heavy metal music for Columbine.”

There’s no excuse for this, there’s no one to blame besides the person with the gun. The irony about all of this and the reason why I wanted to discuss this is we are looking at a law enforcement individual in a position of power and in a profession where evidence is mandatory yet there’s no evidence to back up ANYTHING he is saying. NOTHING. He made a huge mistake and he has joined the ranks of the people of small character who will take this ridiculously sad event and use it to spit hatred while the victims are on their way to the hospital without even knowing their names.

As a professional officer of law enforcement he should behave as such and stick to the facts. Instead, he took his 15 minutes of fame to lash out at political opponents by calling them bigots, racists, and inciters of violence, lumping in the entire state of Arizona with his statement when describing his home state as a “Mecca of bigotry and hatred.” He has even failed to acknowledge that the only violence at a Tea Party event was perpetrated by Democrat Teamster thugs against a black Tea Party activist. Dupnik owes every single victim of his recent slander an apology and because of his incendiary and biased public comments as a Sheriff, his letter of resignation should be turned in.